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Ford Logo embroidery design


Important: You can add this design to order as free. Sorry, separately free without order design can not be loaded.

Sizes: mm     inch     Stitches:
  1. 81 × 33 mm    3.19 × 1.3"    5294
Colors: 2

Available formats
Bernina: art (version 2 - 3)*, exp. Brother: pec, pes, phc. Janome: jef, jef+.jp Melco: exp. Husqvarna/PFAFF: vip, vp3, vp4 Tajima/Barudan: dst, dsb. Husqvarna: hus, shv. Singer: xxx.
Color palette:Embird: edr, rgb, txt. * Bernina version 4-5 (art50) Grade C.
Short information About product This is not patch, only digital product, not physical: After purchase embroidery by embroideres.com, files available - Instant download. Behind payment Sign in into account, Get access Order History into menu
Related embroidery designs


Claudine on
Hi, I was looking at your page again today, I am a previous customer. When I ordered a couple things recently, I didn't notice that you could qualify for some free designs. I would like the Ford and Harley Davidson free designs if I qualify for them, especially the Ford design. Thank you very much for helping me with this, I still don't know if I understand how it works.
JadeDragonbones on
I bought some logos from you the other day, may some month ago, Manchester, Arsenal, Chelsea and Liverpool. You are now offering a free logos to them which have bought (buy) these logos. I what to have them please.
Support on
Claudine. You can add this or any free embroidery design to your order if you have bonus designs. Sorry, we not found your previous orders.
Support on
JadeDragonbones This is easy please look instructions here http://embroideres.com/video-instructions-customers
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