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Dog treats free embroidery design


Size: 140 x 67 mm, 5.51' x 2.65'

Colors; 2

Stitches: 12940

Digitizer: Igor Denisov


Size: 160 x 77 mm, 6.29' x 3.02"

Colors; 2


Digitizer: Igor Denisov



We continue the theme of dogs, and love for them. Here is another simple decoration element for clothes for walking or a rug. And this is the best gift for a furry friend - a sweet bone. Embroidering it, it will be for a long time untouched. You can choose a color brighter, and add a name.

Designs for pets firmly occupied a popular place in our embroidery library of designs. Another animal symbol of canine joy for decorating a rug for your pet. Now it's a bone. Design can be used for the uniforms of workers and volunteers of various services for animals (veterinary clinics, assistance to homeless animals, zoo stores). Simply stylish and of course free. Absolutely lyoy format, and instantly available for download.
Dog treat embroidery design is not compatible with embroidery machines having a hoop 4 x 4.


ednaallenegui on
The designs that I downloaded, the size is too big to be used on my Brother NV180K. Can you please help to reduce the designs to appropriate sizes that are compatible to be use with my machine. Your help is much appreciated. I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Support on
Sorry, only these sizes available. For free designs this is not possible.
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Note: Commercial use of our machine embroidery designs. Designs listed on this page you can use in your business. You can embroider, and sell embroidered products. Change designs of your own choice. Add or remove various design elements. Use together with inscriptions or other designs.

Limitation. Production of not more than 100 embroidered items. If you want to produce products with our designs in greater quantities - please contact us.


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