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Be quiet embroidery design

$2.99 USD
Sizes: mm     inch     Stitches:
  1. 121 × 121 mm    4.76 × 4.76"    49760
  2. 130 × 130 mm    5.12 × 5.12"    54232
  3. 139 × 140 mm    5.47 × 5.51"    59757
  4. 149 × 150 mm    5.87 × 5.91"    65777
  5. 159 × 160 mm    6.26 × 6.3"    71492
Colors: 14

Available formats
Bernina: art (version 2 - 3)*, exp. Brother: pec, pes, phc. Janome: jef, jef+.jp Melco: exp. Husqvarna/PFAFF: vip, vp3, vp4 Tajima/Barudan: dst, dsb. Husqvarna: hus, shv. Singer: xxx.
Color palette:Embird: edr, rgb, txt. * Bernina version 4-5 (art50) Grade C.
Short information About product This is not patch, only digital product, not physical: After purchase embroidery by embroideres.com, files available - Instant download. Behind payment Sign in into account, Get access Order History into menu
Related embroidery designs


ptosini on
what fabric did you use?
Support on
Best - dense cotton same as denim.
dixie on
I have bought many patterns from you but for some reason the Be quiet one is not available for me I tried to use it in my PE Design plus for my brother machine but it says that the pattern has too many stitches so I can't use it. I can't load it to the machine at all
Support on
This is limitation only for Brother machine. You have limit 32000 or 18000 stitches per design? What embroidery machine you have?
Shawn on
I've been waiting for this Red hair lade design for a long time! I see it in Facebook. This embroidery should be for my atelier. There are many excellent details, and I'm sure it will work for many uses. And, as always, the design developed by Embroideres, means: Quality and excellent support!
spiridion33 on
I need to purchase this design to fit my 5X7 hoop on a Brother PE-770.Can you help me please?
Support on
This size available.
SEG on
Love the woman in hat embroidery.. Unfortunately I can't use it as missed that it is a 5x7 & my machine will only do do 4x4
reillydebra on
I really liked how this stitched out. The detail on the face and red hair are great.
rossana on
This design item stitches beautifully. Stitched out very clean. Multiple transactions. One of my favorite modern designs I have in my embroidery library.
ecusw on
A very cute design. It stitched out really nice and looked great on the finished product.
Gonzeroner on
Great girl art. Works well and love all the files. Adorable in my new denim jacket.
lhaverkost on
I love this lady design. Its my favorite. Love it very easy to download
sunny on
The design I purchased for red hair woman, says that it comes in multiple sizes. When I received the download there is just one very large size. I would like to receive all the other sizes that were listed.
Support on
Thank you for message. Problem solved. We emailed you the enbroidery designs again.
mparfrey on
bonjour j'ai acheté un motif paiement avec succès et j'ai télécharge mais je ne le trouve nul part dans mon pc pouvez vous m'aider je ne parle pas anglais merci beaucoup pour votre aide
Support on
We sent order as attach via e-mail.
lydia87 on
why is there pop ups. it is very distracting and annoying. is it on my end or yours.?
Support on
Answer to lydia87 : Please explain more. Where you see it? What device used?
Brendaode on
I want to purchase the "be quiet" embroidery file however I would love for it to be 200mm wide.
I work with commercial emb machines so we have the hoops that go up to 350mm
Could you please help me with this ?
I am happy to pay extra for the design to be enlarged.

Kind regards
Support on
Answer to Brendaode: No problem. any size. After paid please inform.
Sapirus on
The hoop of my Pfaff Creative 1.5 is 240 x 150 mm. But I can only load the first 121 x 121 mm variant. All other variants say "too big for embroidery unit". How can that be?
Support on
We sent another variant via e-mail. Please check attached files. Cheers
Sapirus on
I'm using the Pfaff Creative 1.5 . The girl242.vp3 is working perfectly with 49000 stitches.
With every other variant it says "Design too large for embroidery unit." but the hoop is 240 by 150 mm in size.
Do you know of a 50000 stitches per design limit with Pfaff machines? I heard something like this from W6/Happy Japan machines but there is nothing on the internet regarding the Pfaff ones.
Virginia68 on
Design was exactly what I needed. Stitched out beautifully. Thank you.
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I want to embroider something big and beautiful, but you are afraid. Yes, it is very insulting to spend 1-2 hours, thread materials and eventually get a spoiled thing. Unfortunately, very often we like design but due to its structure it is suitable for your fabric. In my practice, I often came across when a user at a cheap very thin waistcoat embroidered a tight design with two three layers of threads (shadows, transitions). In the end, even if the embroidery process went well, the product does not look like it. Because of the gravity of the embroidery, the T-shirt is sagging. And after 2-3 washings, it slowly but surely begins to destroy the fabric (which is often enough if a thread is selected from the polyester).

How to embroider a large design?

There is a way out. And he is near. This is embroidery on denim - a jacket, skirts, pants and vests. Very often when choosing a product that you want to decorate, our choice falls on this kind of clothing. It is not only often used, but also very convenient for fans of machine embroidery. After all, this is a good dense cotton fabric with a homogeneous structure is almost ideal. And embroidery on such cloth almost always (99%) leaves without any problems. The minimum application of the stabilizer, the choice of design for almost any density. All this makes this fabric preferable, even when embroidering test options.
A denim female jacket in these photos is a good illustration of this. Large, dense embroidery, with a large number of applied effects. And no problem, the deformation of the fabric. That's the kind of jacket now has a girl from Spain.
This design has many small details, and of course it looks good only in large size. Therefore, if you have such an opportunity, choose designs of large size. At us in the catalog the majority of designs have some the sizes, and always there is a possibility to choose that which is necessary for you