The more you purchase, the more designs download. For every $1 spent you can download 2 embroidey design from this category. Your spent amount is calculated based on each completed order in d into dollars, and reward points are charged based on the result.
art - BERNINA - Wilcom ES-65, Wilcom Embroidery Studio (all version), Bernina Artista, Embird and later version - only read and convert to, Buzz Tools only read and convert to
bro - Bits & Volts - Embird, Wilcom ES-65, Wilcom Embroidery Studio (all version) , Barudan Punchant - contains information about the stitch motifs and types of fillings. May be edit.
pes - BABYLOCK, BROTHER, BERNINA - open all machine embroidery software and machine embroidery converters..
pec - BABYLOCK, BROTHER, BERNINA - open all machine embroidery software and machine embroidery converters - Stitch files.
pel - BABYLOCK, BROTHER - PE-DESIGN, Buzz Tools - File contains information about the stitch massive
dst - ELTAC, TAJIMA another professional embroidery machines BROTHER ULT 200*, SG 30* - open all embroidery software and machine embroidery converters. - Stitch files
dsb - BARUDAN - open all machine embroidery software and machine embroidery converters, Embird, Tajima DGML by Pulse Ambassador - Stitch files
dsz - FORTRON, ZSK, ZANGS - open all machine embroidery software and machine embroidery converters, Embird, Tajima DGML by Pulse Ambassador - Stitch files
dat - BARUDAN -open all machine embroidery software and machine embroidery converters. - Stitch files.Embird - File contains information about the stitch massive
exy - ELTAC -open all machine embroidery software and machine embroidery converters Embird - File contains information about the stitch massive
fxy - FORTRON -open all machine embroidery software and machine embroidery converters Embird - File contains information about the stitch massive
uxy - BARUDAN -open all machine embroidery software and machine embroidery converters Embird - File contains information about the stitch massive
10O - TOYOTA, MITSUBISHI - open all embroidery software and machine embroidery converters,File contains information about the stitch massive
hus - HUSQVARNA - open all embroidery software and machine embroidery converters, - Stitch files
T01 - WILCOM, DecoStudio e1- e3 - open all embroidery software and machine embroidery converters Embird - File contains information about the stitch massive
T03 - WILCOM, DecoStudio e1- e3 - open all embroidery software and machine embroidery converters Embird - File contains information about the stitch massive
T05 - WILCOM, DecoStudio e1- e3 - open all embroidery software and machine embroidery converters Embird - File contains information about the stitch massive
T04 - WILCOM, ZANGS, DecoStudio e1- e3 - open all embroidery software and machine embroidery converters Embird - File contains information about the stitch massive
shv - HUSQVARNA - Buzz Tools, Embird, Designer Gallery* - only embroidery stitch information.. (Only for HUSQVARNA DESIGNER 1).
pdc - PUNTO - file contains working information about embroidery files
pxf - TAJIMA DG/ML version 10 or higher, Tajima DGML by Pulse Ambassadorfile contains working information about embroidery files
pof - TAJIMA DG/ML, Tajima DGML by Pulse Ambassador - file contains working information about embroidery files
ped - TAJIMA DG/ML, Tajima DGML by Pulse Ambassador -file contains working information about embroidery files
kwk - TAJIMA DG/ML, Tajima DGML by Pulse Ambassador - file contains working information about embroidery files
emb - Wilcom - open all embroidery software and machine embroidery converters - File contains information about the stitch massive
csd - POEM, SINGER, VIKING HUSQGRAM - open all machine embroidery software and machine embroidery converters Embird - File contains information about the stitch massive
pum - PROEL DOS - file contains working information about embroidery files
pmu - PROEL - file contains working information about embroidery files
arc - PROEL - file contains working information about embroidery files
pat - SAURER - Embroidery Office, Embird - File contains information about the stitch massive
T15 - SAURER - Embroidery Office, Embird - File contains information about the stitch massive
dsg - Embroidery Office, Embird - File contains information about the stitch massive
plt - Siruba - Embroidery Office, Embird - File contains information about the stitch massive
ela - GMI ELA - Embroidery Office, Embird - File contains information about the stitch massive
m3 - JUKI EMS - Embroidery Office - File contains information about the stitch massive
cem - Komtekst - Embroidery Office - File contains information about the stitch massive
ngs - WingsXP - file contains working information about embroidery files
sst - SWFWingsXP, Wings2000 - file contains working information about machine embroidery files
esd - Old Barudan - format WingsXP, Wings2000 - File contains information about the stitch massive
pch - Gunold - WingsXP, Wings2000 - File contains information about the stitch massive
stc - Gunold - WingsXP, Wings2000 - Only stitch data.
inp - Wilcom - Wilcom ES-65, DecoStudio e1- e3 - Only stitch data