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Fairy Reading Book embroidery design


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Fairy Reading Book Embroidery Design: Weaving the Threads of Magic and Imagination

Embroidery is an art that tells stories. Stories that are woven with threads and expressed through colors, patterns, and unique designs. Our Fairy Reading Book embroidery design is one such tale that captures the heart, pulling you into the magical realm where fairies dwell and stories come alive.

Sizes: mm     inch     Stitches:
  1. 140 × 168 mm    5.51 × 6.61"    37483
Colors: 122

Available formats
Bernina: art (version 2 - 3)*, exp. Brother: pec, pes, phc. Janome: jef, jef+.jp Melco: exp. Husqvarna/PFAFF: vip, vp3, vp4 Tajima/Barudan: dst, dsb. Husqvarna: hus, shv. Singer: xxx.
Color palette:Embird: edr, rgb, txt. * Bernina version 4-5 (art50) Grade C.
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A Magical Tale Stitched in Fabric

The Fairy Reading Book design is more than an embroidery; it’s a story that springs to life on your fabric. A picture of a fairy engrossed in her book is an enchanting scene, reminding us of the magic that lies within the pages of a good read. This design is perfect for library bags, cushion covers, wall hangings, or any project where you want to imbue a sense of wonder.

Celebrate the Love for Books

Books carry us to different worlds, teaching us, entertaining us, and letting us live numerous lives within their pages. What better way to honor this love for literature than with an embroidery design that encapsulates the joy of reading? Whether you are a bookworm yourself or want to create something special for a fellow reader, this embroidery design perfectly portrays the intimate relationship between a reader and their beloved book.

A Perfect Gift for Bibliophiles

If you're looking for a unique gift for a book lover, an item embroidered with our Fairy Reading Book design could be the perfect solution. It's a heartfelt token that combines their love for reading with the beauty of embroidery, making it a gift they will cherish.

In the world of embroidery, we not only create art but also weave stories that add a personal touch to our creations. With our Fairy Reading Book embroidery design, you get to combine the charm of fairies, the allure of stories, and the warmth of your craft in one enchanting design. Embark on this magical journey and let your creations be the pages where this story unfolds.