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To my BFF free embroidery design


Size: 109 x 95 mm, 4.3 x 3.77'

Colors; 4

Stitches: 7682

Digitizer: Igor Denisov


Size: 127 x 112 mm, 5.02' x 4.39'

Colors; 4

Stitches: 9453



kbuckbinder on
I downloaded this design on 10/22/2018. I have downloaded the pattern for my Brother, PES format, and unzipped it. However, even though I have it on my computer, and can even download to a thumb drive, the pattern will not show on my embroidery machine.

I tried re-downloading; I used 2 different thumb drives; and even re-formatted a 3rd thumb drive and tried a 3rd time. The pattern shows on the thumb drive when checked on multiple computers but will not show in my machine. I validated the PES files using the "Files Plus" tool viewing them as an accurate PES file but will still not show on my machine.

Has anyone else had this problem with this file? Please let me know if I can try something else.
Support on
kbuckbinder : We reupload version.
Moen on
PES download machine friendly -cute on towel
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