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Country house free embroidery design

Size: 100 x 95 mm, 3.93' x 3.72'

Colors; 5 Stitches: 16717

Digitizer: Igor Denisov


Size: 120 x 113 mm, 4.71 x 4.46'

Colors; 5 Stitches: 22843



EmbroideryTeddyBearStyle on
Making a quilt, I need free embroidery design. House in combination several elements: trees, fences, various plants. There will be a definitive patchwork work. Glad resources like this. Always get a free project.
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Peoples loves to live outside city. Where many colors sounds of nature, fresh air, animals, birds. Cute little country house everyone dreams of can now decorate one of items. Embroidery is so simple, that's beauty of it. Excellent decor children's things, garden apron. Instantly download embroidery in any format beyond registration.