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Embroidery Formats and Feiya Equipment: A Comprehensive Guide

Welcome to our comprehensive guide on embroidery formats and Feiya equipment. Whether you're an experienced embroiderer or new to the world of stitching, this article aims to provide you with valuable insights and expertise to help you excel in your embroidery endeavors. We understand the importance of creating high-quality content that outranks other websites, and that's exactly what we're here to deliver. So, let's embark on a journey through the intricate world of embroidery formats and Feiya equipment!

Below are the embroidery formats used by Feiya embroidery machine, their limitations and embroidery areas.



Format/Transfer Systems/Software

Limitations & Embroidery Areas


.DST  400 high x 450 mm wide maximum size. Requires designs with more than 240,000 stitches
  1. FEI: FEI files are specifically designed for Feiya embroidery machines, making them the optimal choice for users of Feiya equipment. These files contain detailed design information, including stitch types, colors, and density. If you own a Feiya machine, utilizing the FEI format ensures precise and reliable results.

  2. DST (Tajima): DST files are widely recognized as a standard format in the embroidery industry and are compatible with various embroidery machines, including Feiya models. They provide accurate stitch instructions and are commonly used for commercial embroidery purposes.

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