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Embroidery Formats: HolioUma Equipment

HolioUma Equipment: Revolutionizing Embroidery

HolioUma Equipment is a renowned name in the embroidery industry, providing cutting-edge technology and innovative solutions for professional embroiderers. With their state-of-the-art embroidery machines and software, they have revolutionized the way designs are created and stitched. To ensure compatibility and optimal performance, HolioUma Equipment supports various embroidery formats that cater to the diverse needs of embroiderers worldwide.

Below are the embroidery formats used by Holiouma embroidery machine, their limitations and embroidery areas.



Format/Transfer Systems/Software

Limitations & Embroidery Areas

HO 1501H

.DST  360 high x 510 mm wide maximum size. Requires designs with more than 200,000 stitches

HO 1501L

.DST  360 high x 360 mm wide maximum size. Requires designs with more than 200,000 stitches

The Power of DST Format

One of the popular embroidery formats supported by HolioUma Equipment is the DST format. DST, short for "Data Stitch Tajima," is widely used in the industry and is compatible with most commercial embroidery machines. It contains instructions for the machine to accurately reproduce the design on fabric. The DST format ensures precise stitching, making it ideal for complex designs and intricate details.

Exploring Possibilities with PES Format

Another widely supported embroidery format is the PES format. PES, which stands for "PE-Design," is specific to Brother embroidery machines. It allows users to create, edit, and stitch designs seamlessly. With HolioUma Equipment's support for the PES format, Brother machine owners can leverage their machines' capabilities and explore a wide range of design possibilities.

Flexibility and Compatibility

In addition to DST and PES, HolioUma Equipment also supports popular formats such as EXP, XXX, JEF, and more. These formats provide flexibility and compatibility with different embroidery machines, enabling embroiderers to work with their preferred software and equipment.

Unleash Your Creativity with HolioUma Equipment

HolioUma Equipment understands the importance of versatility in the embroidery industry. By supporting multiple embroidery formats, they empower embroiderers to explore their creativity without limitations. Whether you prefer complex designs or simple monograms, HolioUma Equipment ensures that their machines and software can handle your embroidery needs with ease and precision.


In conclusion, HolioUma Equipment is dedicated to providing cutting-edge technology and comprehensive support for various embroidery formats. By offering compatibility with popular formats like DST, PES, EXP, and more, they enable embroiderers to push the boundaries of their creativity and produce stunning embroidered designs. With HolioUma Equipment, embroiderers can trust that their designs will be accurately translated into beautiful stitches, making every embroidery project a success.

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