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Hummingbird in wildlife embroidery design

$1.59 USD

Embroidery with hummingbirds attracts attention. Bright plumage. Unrealistically small dimensions, comparable to a butterfly, dragonfly. Difficult to see in nature, but can easily embroidered.

Sizes: mm     inch     Stitches:
  1. 98 × 139 mm    3.86 × 5.47"    10490
  2. 105 × 149 mm    4.13 × 5.87"    11032
  3. 112 × 159 mm    4.41 × 6.26"    11526
  4. 119 × 169 mm    4.69 × 6.65"    11988
  5. 126 × 179 mm    4.96 × 7.05"    12598
Colors: 1

Available formats
Bernina: art (version 2 - 3)*, exp. Brother: pec, pes, phc. Janome: jef, jef+.jp Melco: exp. Husqvarna/PFAFF: vip, vp3, vp4 Tajima/Barudan: dst, dsb. Husqvarna: hus, shv. Singer: xxx.
Color palette:Embird: edr, rgb, txt. * Bernina version 4-5 (art50) Grade C.
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I did not plan to buy project. Friend is celebrating her birthday, needs sew present. Better to do it yourself. Decided to embroider a few hummingbirds towels . When there is a lot of work, one-color designs can solve problem. Show results soon.
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In any collection it is good to have embroidery designs of various styles, concern. In concept, collibres a wonderful addition to expand possibilities of creativity. Given simplicity, always quickly easily - small masterpiece.
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What do we love about hummingbirds? Small size, incredible shades of feathers. Of course it is a symbol of many countries. Therefore, embroidery will delight others, friends. Simple sketch-style proposal decorated on a large selection of fabrics.