In our catalog you can always find various designs of machine embroidery. And most of them are designed for a narrow application format. Indeed, it is difficult to imagine a cute bunny or a company of bears on an evening gown. Extreme embroidery such as skulls or a pattern in the Gothic style on business costumes (women suite). This is not applicable, and you will not be understood if you do this. The only exception is flowers designs. It is the application of these embroidery designs that is possible everywhere; From the newborn's clothes to the interior of the apartment. The rose on the kitchen stitch also looks harmonious as on the pocket of the female costume. Therefore, flowers should be in the collection of any lover of creativity. As they say, I always have some handy.
In this photo you see a vivid example of a creative approach to your work. Beautiful little woman bag with lilies. Hard work. The design takes up a large space. Apparently the embroidery was carried out first on the fabric, and only after this was done the pattern of the elements of the bag. Fabric silk or similar. Very well chosen color thread. In contrast to the black fabric of the bag, the embroidery looks very beautiful.