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Mocha embroidery design

$2.39 USD
Sizes: mm     inch     Stitches:
  1. 158 × 160 mm    6.22 × 6.3"    41254
  2. 168 × 170 mm    6.61 × 6.69"    44178
  3. 178 × 180 mm    7.01 × 7.09"    47031
  4. 188 × 190 mm    7.4 × 7.48"    50059
  5. 197 × 200 mm    7.76 × 7.87"    52992
Colors: 8

Available formats
Bernina: art (version 2 - 3)*, exp. Brother: pec, pes, phc. Janome: jef, jef+.jp Melco: exp. Husqvarna/PFAFF: vip, vp3, vp4 Tajima/Barudan: dst, dsb. Husqvarna: hus, shv. Singer: xxx.
Color palette:Embird: edr, rgb, txt. * Bernina version 4-5 (art50) Grade C.
Short information About product This is not patch, only digital product, not physical: After purchase embroidery by embroideres.com, files available - Instant download. Behind payment Sign in into account, Get access Order History into menu
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KrissiePate on
Thank you for an awesome, easy design:) Great stitch out! Instant download and excellent customer service!
stephaniedbooker on
Design stitched out perfectly. The back was so clean. How embroidery designs should be. Will be buying more!
yellowgirl on
Bonjour,, je me suis enregistree sur votre site,, et quand je veux y retourner pour payer mes broderies que j ai choisi ,, je ne peux rien faire,, je trouve que votre site n est pas convivial,,,
Pouvez vous m aider,,
CynthiaFrances on
I'm ashamed to say I'm not that computer savvy......I have an Apple computer and I just download designs from sites I use and then transfer to a stick that then goes into the USB port on my machine. The design does show up on my machine but when I select the design to stitch an Error message comes up. I'm not concerned about the small $ for the design, I was just hoping to find another embroidery site to use. I use Emblibrary.com , embroidery designs.com frequently and was just happy to come across your site. Thanks for the reply though.
Support on
CynthiaFrances: We re-saved the design files in ART format and sent you an e-mail. Perhaps the error was when loading designs.
robynprevost on
My order # is 212261 purchased on 11/09/20149----Does this design come in more than 1 size. The large size if to big for my Brother machine. If so how to I get the smaller sizes

Thank you
Support on
All designs have full information (sizes, stitches..). But this is not problem. What embroidery machine you have?
I have been notified by my bank of multiple charges for my recent purchase. Your system denied my credit card 3 times, I then went through paypal and processed my order. Please contact me as soon as possible regarding this. 254-931-0091. Thank you - Jill Decker
Support on
KATHOMASSEE : We checked our records and found only one transaction with a number Transaction ID: 24A33928AS208920N. If you have other information please send it to us. We are attentive to the possibility of double payment.
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