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To print a color chart, you can use one of two options.
1. Download the color table from your order history. This is a regular graphic file in JPG format. And you can print it using a printer like any other graphic file.
How to download a color chart from your order history can be found here Where can I download the color chart?

2. Print the color chart from the product page.

Go to the page of the machine embroidery design you purchased.
Find and click the Color Chart button.

Color chart button page in product page

By clicking the Color Chart button you will see a table of machine embroidery design colors in the main color palette and Alternative one (which you can change at will)
In the upper right corner, you will see the inscription Printable version.  This is button  

Printable version color chart embroidery design

A new tab in your browser opens where you will see a Color Chart with the button Print this table. Click it, choose a printer and print. 

Final print color chart

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